Phase 1 Renovation for OPRL Complete!

Before and after pictures of the Oregon Performance Research Lab Renovation

After several months of hard work by the University of Oregon architects, interior designers, facility managers, and plenty of external contractors, the first phase of renovation for the Oregon Performance Research Laboratory is complete!

There will be two separate phases to complete the overall lab renovation. Our lab deserved an overhaul to support the comprehensive and integrated performance physiology research we are doing. 

Phase 1 saw a complete renovation of the primary exercise and performance testing room including new walls, updated electrical wiring and lighting, new flooring and cabinetry, and much more. Walls were knocked down for a more open layout, which maximizes the available space for larger equipment and improves flow through the lab.  This space now houses our high-speed treadmills and our precision cycle ergometers, along with the hydrotherapy tub and other testing equipment. Additionally, this space includes an environmental chamber that is capable of reproducing almost all environments on planet Earth, including high altitude (normobaric hypoxia). In addition to the primary exercise room,  the laboratory bathrooms were remodeled to add a shower for research and testing participants. This now provides us with a full bathroom and a half bathroom.

The completion of Phase 1 of the renovations has kickstarted research. Phase 2 is expected to begin in a few months, which will be another major renovation. Completion of Phase 2 will provide even more space for an additional exercise testing room, a bench-top biochemical and blood analysis equipment room, and additional space for freezers, storage, and more!   

Follow us on social media to see more of Phase 1 and to follow along during the summer for Phase 2!