As we kick off Year 2 of the OPRL, we’re excited to introduce some new members! First up is Hannah Young, a first year PhD student.
Hannah is an aspiring exercise physiology researcher. Her interests are vast, but she is keen to investigate sex differences in athletic performance and the impacts of Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S) and Low Energy Availability (LEA) on various physiological measures. Hannah’s athletic pursuits, previous injury history, experience coaching female athletes, and personal journey through eating disorder recovery fuel her passion for research in this field.
Hannah earned her Bachelor of Science in Nutrition, Exercise, and Health Science, with a minor in Psychology, from the University of Nebraska. She went on to earn her Master of Science in Exercise Physiology from James Madison University. Her master’s research revolved around respiratory physiology, where she examined the changes in operating lung volumes and expiratory flow limitation throughout the course of pregnancy. This project reignited Hannah’s passion for science, sparked an interest in research, and formed a deep curiosity that she intends to follow as she pursues her Ph.D. here at UO.
Hannah also played collegiate soccer for both UNL and JMU, eventually pivoting to a coaching role at JMU after several serious injuries. Now, Hannah channels her curiosity for discovering her own limits into trail ultrarunning. She completed her first 50k in the spring of 2023 and has ambitious goals for her future in this sport. Her journey is guided by an enjoyment of the process, an intense love for the mountains, an appreciation for the connection this community fosters, and a deep sense of gratitude for an able body.